Monday 14 November 2011

Last Chance to Apply for your place on the Enterprise Academy Programme!

We are now inviting the last round of applications for the Enterprise Academy and with just 20 places left you need to act quickly!

academy plus erdf.JPGHow? Simple!

First: Check you are available 1pm – 4pm on the following dates:

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
Wednesday 7th December 2011
Wednesday 11th January 2012
Wednesday 8th February 2012
Wednesday 14th March 2012
Second: Register your interest:

Fingers and Toes crossed that you are successful! Find out more about the programme here

We are an ERDF funded project which does mean that we can only accept students and graduates that fit a certain criteria. Please apply and we can help assess your eligibility. In the event that you are not eligible we will sign post you onto a suitable alternative

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