About Us

The Project
The Enterprise Champion programme increases the number of new ventures and businesses started by graduates by scaling up the engagement in enterprise and entrepreneurial learning and supporting opportunities across the university campus. We substantially increase engagement in learning and support opportunities that encourage venture creation.

Who We Work With
We work with academics, undergraduates, graduate and alumni to embed enterprise learning in the next generation of business leaders.

What We Do
Phase One of the project ran from September 2008 until March 2010 and included 10 universities. Manchester Metropolitan University’s Enterprise Champion team worked with over 1,000 students and helped to set up over 30 new businesses. We were also involved in the following activities: Flux500, Enterprise Curriculum Fellowships, Flying Start Programme, Flying Start Make It Happen, Innospace and faculty specific enterprise courses.

We deliver Continual Professional Development courses in enterprise learning for our academic colleagues. In addition, we also provide an incubator for graduate start up businesses in the centre of Manchester. Innospace is a creative, stimulating and supportive environment for the development of business ideas and the growth of start up businesses.

Stimulating enterprise and entrepreneurship across our high education instituations is now seen by many governments as fundamental to driving economic success and social cohesion. The HE Enteprise Champions Project in the North West region of England is supported by the NWDA, financed by EU funding and is managed by NCGE.

The HE NW Enterprise Champions are lead by Dr Clare Schofield, a pioneering leader in Enterprise Education at Manchester Metropolitan University. She is supported by Claire Giddens, who possesses a particular flair for regulating the finance and parameters of the project as well as enthusiastically delivering the course content, and Laura Rimmer who enjoys the idea creation and innovation aspects of the project.

Clare Schofield – Photo & CfE Website link
Claire Giddens – Photo & CfE Website link
Laura Rimmer – Photo & CfE Website link

Mark Sims – Entrepreneur in Residence 

Supported by Alison Brooker  and Professor Lynn Martin 

HE NW Enterprise Champions work in conjunction with Innospace  (www.innospace.co.uk) , the Manchester Metropolitan University incubator. Innospace provides hot deasking space for start up businesses to trade from. The centre is managed by Richard Deighton, Emma Mawby and Afia Khatun. (http://www.innospace.co.uk/about/who-we-are)

Start-up help
Through our ERDF funding we can provide start up help to both current North West Students and Graduates. From initial idea generation to specific business details we can help guide you on your journey.
We can organise 1 to 1 sessions with the team and a business advisor to produce a personal action plan, or come along to one of our many events held at MMU. To find out more about The Monthly Business Group, The Enterprise Academy, The Ideas Factory, Business Booster and New Directions, please click on the links provided.

Alternatively, please get in touch using the icons below:

Interact with Us
·         E-mail : enterprisechampions@mmu.ac.uk
·         Twitter : @MMUEnterprise
·         Blog : http://mmuenterprisechampions.blogspot.com/ 
Phone :  0161 247 6605