Friday 20 January 2012

Aged 16-25? Want £1000 towards your creative Project? Read on!

Are you a creative student? Did you join us on our Going Freelance sessions 2011? (If not, don't worry we are running it again in 2012!)

Ideas Fund is offering £1000 towards YOUR creative project. Visit now and unlock funding for your idea.

  • Got a creative project that needs funding?
  • Aged between 16-25?
  • Based in the UK?
  • Then the Ideas Fund is for you.
It’s our way of helping you to make your ideas a reality. We know how hard cash is to come by, especially in the current climate – so we’ve made the application process as easy as possible.

We can’t fund every project, but at least you don’t need a PhD in form-filling to be in with a chance.
To date, we've awarded more than £350,000 in funding to IdeasTap members.

The Ideas Fund is currently split into themed categories, although these are subject to change and more funds may be added in the future.

Ideas Fund Innovators
Open all year, with four deadlines for submissions, this Fund offers £1,000 awards for projects from any creative discipline. As the name suggests, the focus is on innovation. Got an original idea that needs a cash injection? Apply today. In the past we’ve funded everything from performances to photography collectives, visual artists to filmmakers.

Ideas Fund Green
Open every spring for six weeks, Ideas Fund Green celebrates and supports creative projects that either deal with environmental issues or are produced in an environmentally-sustainable fashion. We're passionate about green issues at IdeasTap and we believe that the arts can bring these issues to life and communicate them in an interesting, inspiring way. This fund offers awards of £5,000 and applications can come from any creative discipline.

Ideas Fund Edinburgh
Open for six weeks from October every year, the Edinburgh award provides one winning company with £20,000 and the runner up with £10,000, along with expert mentoring, to take a show to the world’s largest arts festival. This August will see the premieres of last year’s winning productions.

Ideas Fund Shorts
Open for six weeks from February every year, Shorts offers young filmmakers £5,000 to create a five-minute short film. Entries this year included documentaries, conceptual pieces, trailers for features, music videos, fashion films and animated shorts. 

If you’re not eligible for our briefs, or if you haven’t been lucky this time, there are countless other ways to raise cash for your creative projects. We’ve been talking to arts practitioners from different disciplines about their funding knowledge. Read the articles below for ideas:

More coming soon...

Monday 16 January 2012

MMU Enterprise Academy - Tomorrows Leaders

The third MMU Enterprise Academy workshop took place on Wednesday 11th January. The Enterprising skill covered this month was Leadership and was led by subject expert Linda Matthews.
This extra curricular session focussed on three types of leader – Traditional, Transactional and Transformational. The students threw themselves into activities identifying the leadership style of celebrities and well known figures as well as identifying their own leadership style accompanied by a t-shire strap line that encompassed all that they had learnt about themselves.

The MMU Enterprise Academy has attracted in excess of 20 students wishing to learn more about enterprise and starting their own business.
Claire Giddens, Project Officer within the Centre for Enterprise said: ‘the overwhelming success of enterprise academy has shown that there is a strong demand for enterprise support within the University. This is the first time we have run the academy and based on the enthusiasm and engagement of the attendees we hope to make this an annual programme of workshops’.

Find out more about the NW HE Enterprise Champions and they programmes they offer please visit or contact Laura Rimmer on 0161 247 6605
The MMU Enterprise Academy is part of the NW HE Enterprise Champions programme of events funded by ERDF.